
Josh Atwell

Cloud Architect


Josh is highly active in the virtualization community where he's been active leading technology based user groups such as CIPTUG, VMUG, and UCS Users Group.  Josh holds both the VCAP-DCA and VCAP-DCD certifications and enjoys working with others on preparing for their certification pursuits through the vBrownBag podcast.  Never known for lacking an opinion, he blogs at vtesseract.com and talks shop on Twitter as Josh_Atwell.  Josh works as a Cloud Architect for SolidFire.


July 2, 2014


Technology Behind the Surface

What do Walt Disney World, The Matrix, and Big Ben have in common?  On the surface they do not share much.  Each of these is special because everything that makes them tick, pun intended, are hidden from view of the consumers.  We all intuitively know there is a great deal of complexity behind the s…